A museum of my own – ๐ŸŒ™

I have always been fascinated by Museums. Why do they exist? Why do we need them? When was the first Museum established? These are the questions that hold importance & are worth answering. Museums are the cultural wealth, they preserve collective memory & past of a community, a nation, a region. They preserve what once was, what is & what will be. They open up a dialogue for people to look back at where they came from & to interpret history through their own personal lens. But there is a catch. Just like everywhere else, a lot of politics is at play here as well. To define collective conscious or memory of a nation or a region, you decide what will stay in the Museum and what will not. What will you steal & take away from the ones who can not fight back and present it as an artefact. It makes you question the amount of events that have been erased from the memory of thousands of people because there exists no objects or stories to sustain them. Objects can tell us a lot about the time that no longer exists. Objects sometimes tend to speak louder than words.

All of this made me think about humans and their own personal Musuems that they construct. Every single human has a museum of their own. They put in it the objects that they like or cherish. The objects are like memory blocks, they go back to a certain time period, a moment in time or a second where they felt like they had been sweeped off their feet. The building is tailored to their personal taste. Some might have huge wooden museums with big chandeliers, some might have glass-like ones and some might choose a cottage and call it a musuem of their life. The reason I mentioned politics earlier is because when you have a museum of your own, you become political. You remove the objects that hurt a little too much and put them in a box. The one test you failed, the book you did not enjoy, the person you no longer talk to, a connection that has withered like a tree in autumn, you pick up all those objects and decide not to showcase them. You are so political, you decide what you will remember and what you will forget.

Published by Hafsa Usmani

โ€œAnd by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.โ€

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